Kitchen Knives
555 series

555 series knives have Single-layered steel of DSR-1K6 stainless steel blade w/light brown colored plywood handle. These are simple design, high quality and user friendly for daily use, and very sharp by skilled craftman.

【KC-360】555 series 三徳型 SANTOKUGATA 165mm

555 series knives have Single-layered steel of DSR-1K6 stainless steel blade w/light brown colored plywood handle. These are simple design, high quality and user friendly for daily use, and very sharp by skilled craftman.

【KC-361】555 series 薄刃型 USUBAGATA 165mm

555 series knives have Single-layered steel of DSR-1K6 stainless steel blade w/light brown colored plywood handle. These are simple design, high quality and user friendly for daily use, and very sharp by skilled craftman.

【KC-362】555 series 剣型 KENGATA 180mm

555 series knives have Single-layered steel of DSR-1K6 stainless steel blade w/light brown colored plywood handle. These are simple design, high quality and user friendly for daily use, and very sharp by skilled craftman.

【KC-363】555 series ペティ PETTY 135mm

555 series knives have Single-layered steel of DSR-1K6 stainless steel blade w/light brown colored plywood handle. These are simple design, high quality and user friendly for daily use, and very sharp by skilled craftman.

【KC-364】555 series パン切包丁 Bread Knife 250mm

The 23mm of width and 250mm length serrated blade is useful for cutting bread because of narrow and long blade. 555 series knives have Single-layered steel of DSR-1K6 stainless steel blade w/light brown colored plywood handle. These are simple design, high quality and user friendly for daily use.  

Kanetsune Seki

Kitasho Co., Ltd. was established in Seki City, Japan in 1964. Going back to the past, our ancestors were carrying on making cutlery and wholesaling since 1930. Seki city is located in the middle of Japan, where has been called “The City of Cutlery” in Japan and also overseas.

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